This project is no longer active and all user accounts are now disabled. It is archived here for reference purposes only.


Carers and people who use services require information about the available sources of support; professionals need information about service providers to support effective practice in commissioning services. In recent years, social media has made an impact on the way much of the population communicates, collaborates and shares knowledge and information.

Knowledge management, transfer, sharing and exchange feature prominently in Changing Lives (Scottish Government, 2006), while the personalisation agenda also relies heavily on the availability of knowledge and information.

This study examines the relevance of social media to the development of personalised social care in general, and to self-directed support in particular. The focus of the report is the UK but, given the global nature of web-based communication, it does include some international initiatives.

It should be noted that in such a rapidly changing subject, a report such as this cannot claim to be comprehensive. Rather it provides an overview of a number of initiatives that demonstrate the diversity of of approaches. The aim is to promote better understanding and stimulate further activity and discussion.

This report on The future for personalisation is also available in PDF.