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The future for personalisation? Service users, carers and digital engagement

A report for IRISS by Shirley Ayres, Aspire Knowledge

Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) is a charitable company with a mission to promote positive outcomes for the people who use Scotland's social services by enhancing the capacity and capability of the social services workforce to access and make use of knowledge & research for service innovation & improvement.

Aspire Knowledge collaborates on ideas, projects and products in knowledge to the third and public sector. Our style of delivery is through collaboration with partners on great ideas - we don't own everything we do, even if it starts as our idea - what is important to us is that good ideas for knowledge flourish, wherever that idea begins.

This report on The future for personalisation is also available in PDF.

Follow the discussion on Twitter #deukcare

Shirley's picture

Discussions on twitter about the report

I'm delighted to report that the study has already generated a lot of interest and discussion. I am very keen to promote a wider debate about digital engagement and social learning in social care.
We are using the hashtag #deukcare to promote discussion on Twitter. There has been a suggestion that we organise a concurrent facebook and Twitter discussion about this topic in September. I'd be interested in your views about how we could take this forward.

ContentAdmin's picture

Twitter and Facebook

Very happy to promote discussion wherever we can. We have a Facebook page but we haven't so far been very good at using it. We get a lot more response from Twitter. LInkedIn too is beginning to generate good discussions.